From Online Sale to Choosing the right Veil: It’s all About Abaya Online Shopping

There were times when roaming around the shopping malls and feeling that rush of adrenaline after buying your new brand outfits was Ladies’ only choice to feel happy. Today in modern times we have even better and quicker access to the bliss of shopping - the online stores have summoned our happiness in one click. When we specifically talk about Abaya Online Shopping- there is a full science attached to it. 

Mind you, girls, the modest fashion has an endless variety and style to it and hence it is important to understand what to look for when you are buying your abaya online. Here is our guide to your perfect online shopping in Pakistan experience. 

Shopping From the Right Online Abaya Store 

Although you might see plenty of options online - you got to be picky about from where you are shopping online. After all, why should you stick to some mediocre collection when you can get hands-on latest Dubai abaya collections or something exclusive that matches your style and taste. Remember the benefit of internet shopping is that you can shop from anywhere around the world. Use that benefit in your advantage wisely! 

Before You Select Your Abaya - Make sure check the Fabric 


A lot of women make this mistake while picking up their abaya online. They forget to check for the abaya fabric type. The design can be glorious and you might love the look of an ethnic outfit, but if it’s not made with a suitable fabric - it's pretty useless as you will not be comfortable wearing it. 

The ideal abaya fabric is usually pure Nada Koren Georgette. It is one of the most high-quality fabrics for making abayas as it is cool, comfortable, and flowy - giving the perfect drapes to your abaya gown. 

Finding Your Perfect Fit and Size is Important 


Abaya shopping gets tricky when it comes to finding your perfect size, especially when there is no standard size worldwide for ethnic dresses. You have to rely on what the website is showing you. In most of the abaya online stores - They either display the size measurement with height or width. It is always better to inquire a little more about the sizes and their measurement standard by acquiring customer service support. So, that when your parcel reaches your doorsteps - you don’t have to meet disappointment. 

Checking Out the Latest Collections Rather Than Compromising on Older Ones 

On-trend abaya fashion is a factor you should not miss. Most of designer abaya collections launch every six months - so it’s always better to shop from websites that release the collection more frequently. 

You can also browse through the seasonal collections as they will be more suitable and convenient for you to stylize. 

Look for Quality above Price! 

Quality above price

This is where most of the women fail to understand the phenomenon of online shopping. Risking the quality is a disaster you don’t want to commit. 

If the prices are extremely low on a dress - you should get particular about the quality. Of course, you won’t be able to see any defect from the photograph - therefore its better to buy only from the trusted brands. 

Sale Sale Sale 

Another benefit of shopping online is juicy sale offers you see every now and then. Browse various brands properly and look for the best sale offers. You get your favorite abaya and Hijab

Some brands also offer free shipping and delivery in various geographical locations. Therefore you can always avail such an offer to save money! 

Compare Compare Compare! 

What takes so much energy while running from one shop to another shop - takes seconds to do online. The ultimate strategy to get the best abaya designs at the best price is to compare! That right ladies, never click on the “confirm order” until you are satisfied with the price, quality and offer. The best way to get satisfied is always to compare one offer to another. Do rigorous browsing and open multiple tabs and only order when you find the best deal- remember there is always a sale around the corner, always! 


So these are some tips and tricks for you to remember while you are on your road to explore your abaya shopping in Pakistan journey. You can share your abaya shopping online experience in our comment section. Also, there is an amazing Dubai Abaya Collection on to check the latest abaya designs available in the most affordable prices.